
Historisch Museum Rotterdam, Buttons & Imago: Badges to Fashion
Manchester Craft & Design Centre, Manchester, UK, Horror Vacui,
Las Palmas, Rotterdam, NL, Object Rotterdam,
Presentation of gallery Ra at Schmuck, Munich, Germany, Frame
Galeria Bielak, Kraków, Poland, Horror Vacui
Lous Martin, Delft, NL, Delfts Blauw
studio Zand, Appeldoorn, NL, Dia de los Muertos
Mons, Belg, Prix Européen des Arts Appliqués
Gallery Platina, Stockholm, Sweden, Platina 10 Years!
Central Library Amsterdam, NL, Ûgly Objects


Gallery Beatrice Lang, Bern, First We Quake, Now We Shake

Vilnius, Lituania, Verweile Augenblick! Du bist so schon

Forum für Schmuck & Design, Bonn, Germany, Horror Vacui

Historisches Museum Hannover, Germany, Horror Vacui

Gallery Velvet Da Vinci San Francisco, USA, The Pendant Show

Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, NL, SALE#4

Kunstbanken art center, Hamar, Norway, Artitude

Stedelijk Museum Roermond, Radiant-30 years Ra
BKV Munich,“First We Quake, Now We Shake
Centre commercial La Praille, Geneva, Switzerland, Protect Childhood
SOFA, New York USA
Gallery Platina, Stockholm,First We Quake, Now We Shake
Gallery Reverso, Lisbon

BKV Munich,“First We Quake, Now We Shake
Friends of Charlotta, Zürich, Switzerland Jump, (nomination)
Gallery Deux Poissons, First We Quake, Now We Shake, Tokyo
CBK Rotterdam Honderd Sieraden
Amherst, USA, Contemporary Dutch Fiber Art & Jewelry,
SOFA, New York
Telluride Gallery of Fine Arts, Splendor Redefined, curated by Charon Kransen, Telluride, USA
Friends of Carlotta, Jump, Zürich (work nominated)
Gallery Ra, Radiant-30 years Ra, Amsterdam
Rabo Bank, Zwolle, NL
Gallery Petra Spuijbroek, Haarlem

Galerie Reverso Lisboa, Portugal duo
Wayne State University Detroit, "Proximity, the Sensory and Displacement
Gallery Platina organized the expo ‘Inspired by Nature? in the hortus of Stockholm
CBK Rotterdam, in ’De wonderlijke Terugkeer van Arendsoog’
Gallery Ra, First We Quake, Now We Shake, Amsterdam
Gallery Huis Rechts, “Long Strides in Tiny Shoes” Amsterdam
Gallery Annick Zufferey, Genéve, Swiss, solo
“Blooming Design” (Keukenhof design-contest and exposition
Gallery the Embassy, “Fools Gold”, Edinburgh, Scotland

Galerie Portals Calvia, Mallorca
Gallery Phoebus Rotterdam
Gallery Velvet da Vinci, "200 Rings", San Francisco
SOFA, Chicago
Grassimesse Leipzig, Germany
Gallery Annick Zufferey, Le sentier du recyclage Genève
Institute Néerlandais, Paris
Schmuck 2004, Munich
Galerie LEGIOkunst, Tilburg solo
CBK Zwolle solo
SOFA, New York
Galerie Slavik, Vienna

Galerie Reverso Lisboa, Portugal
Rietveld naar de Beurs, beurs van Berlage
Galerie LEGIOkunst, Tilburg
Galerie Portals Calvia, Mallorca

Masterpieces, Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, Italy
Rietveld naar de Beurs, beurs van Berlage
Kunstuitleen Zwolle

Galerie Lous Martin, Delft solo
Galerie Govert van Dijck solo-exposition in Bergen op Zoom
3D-Allee, participaticion 5 mei Bevrijdingsfestival Overijssel
MikroMegas, Tokio, München, New York, Sidney. A travelling group exposition organized by Otto Künztli
Rietveld naar de Beurs, beurs van Berlage
NoordOostZuidWest group exposition in Galerie Reverso, Lissabon
Museumshop Museum Watarium, presentation in Tokio
Galerie Yksi exposition in Eindhoven
Galerie LEGIO group exposition at the opening of the gallery, Tilburg

1999 - 2000
9 exposities in Gelderland organized by Stichting Beeldende kunst Gelderland
Galerie Nabij, Kockengen
Rietveld naar de Beurs, Amsterdam
Kunstcentrum Zaandam

Salon du bijou, i.s.m. kunstuitleen Zwolle
Rietveld naar de Beurs, beurs van Berlage

Rietveld naar de Beurs, beurs van Berlage

“Trialoog” Galerie Meiling, Edam

Westergasfabriek Amsterdam
Eindexamen tentoonstelling Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam

Gerrit Rietveld paviljoen, Amsterdam
Galerie fur angewandte Kunst, Munich
Galerie Ra, Amsterdam
“By the Way” parkeerterrein Hilton, Amsterdam
Galerie Sofie Lacheart, Gent

Hiko Mizuno College of Jewellery, Tokyo

Work experience

· Workshop for professionals in Monteiro Lobato, Brasil
· Lecture at an international design symposium BoomSPDesign, Sao Paulo, Brasil

· Work-demonstration and small workshop for jewellery students at the Oslo National Academy of Arts
· Lecture at Gothenburg University, School of Design and Craft

· Jewellery-workshops for children of elementary school Westerpark, Amsterdam, NL
· Lecture at the Hiko Mizuno College of Jewellery, Tokyo, Japan

· Jewellery-workshops at ‘Het Mooie Werk’, Amsterdam, NL



· Mixed Media Jewellery by Joanne Haywood, A&C Black Publishers, London, Great Britain
·500 Plastic Designs Lark Books. Sterling Publishing Co.,nInc. New York, London
· The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers 2008, Darling Publications, Cologne, Germany
· Precious Design, catalogue of the auction, Pierre Berge & associates, Bruxelles, Belgium
· Polski Jubiler, October 2009, “Punkt widzenia” , article over my views and work.
· Vale viver (a local paper in the countryside, Brazil), October 2009, Ilustre, an article about me giving a workshop in Monteiro Lobato, Brasil
· BoomSPDesign Forum de Arquitetura, Design e Arte, catalogue, Sao Paulo, Brasil
· Prix Européen des Arts Appliqués, Mons, Belgium, catalogue.

· Hemslóden  08/1 Stockholm, Sweden article about the exhibition First we quake.
· Bijoux, Illustration et Design,
MAOMAO publications, Barcelona, Spain
· 500 Pendants & Lockets
Lark Books. Sterling Publishing Co.,nInc. New York, London
· Horror Vacui; Catalogue of the exhibition. Forum für Schmuck & Design. Bonn, Germany
· Jewelry Design published by daab, Köln, Germany ISBN 978-3-86654-049-1
· Schmuck Magazin, Sep./ Okt. 2008. Article about iron jewelry, p.87. Ulm, Germany
· Baltic Jewellery, August 2008 Article about the “Stay Awhile…” contest. Vilnius, Lithuania
· Jewellery from natural materials by Beth Legg, A&C Black Publishers, Uk

· ZEGARKI I BIZUTERIA, march 2007, Warszawa, Poland
· Süddeutsche Zeitung, march 2007
· VISION, april 2007,Beijing, China
· Protect Childhood, catalogue, april 2007, Geneva, Switzerland

· ITEMS, Netherlands, jan/feb ‘SIERADEN’
· RADIANT, catalogue accompanying the exhibition 30 years Gallery Ra  Gallery Ra, Amsterdam, NL
· GALLERY MAGAZINE, September issue, Ukraina
· 500 Necklaces, Lark Books, October 2006
· NEW DIRECTIONS in JEWELLERY II, Black Dog Publishing, London, UK, November 2006
· GALLERY MAGAZINE, December issue, Ukraina
· First We Quake Now We Shake, catalogue accompanying the exhibition

PROFIL, 04\2005#59 Suisse
DESIGNERS' WORKSHOP vol.22 feb.2005 Japan
Proximity, The Sensory and Displacement, catalogue

Schmuck 2004 (Catalogus, work on cover)
Süddeutsche Zeitung mentioned + photo of my work in“Es muss kein Diamant sein”,(Samstag 6 march 2004) about SCHMUCK 2004 and the exposition in museum Pinakothek der Moderne.

“Masterpieces” Catalogus exposition in Turijn
ONEDEL a book about contemporary jewelry by Threes Moolhyusen-Coenders
“Joalharia holandesa contemporânea” catalogus exposition NoordOostZuidWest

Catalogus Mikromegas, about the travelling exposition by Otto Künztli
De Haagse Courant article about the exposition in Galerie Lous Martin


Ruimte, april, “De grenzen van het sieraad”.

Ruimte, oct, “Verslag van de eindexamenwerken in de Nederlandse Kunstacademies”.
T.Z. feb, “Schmuck ganz anders”.
Süddeutsche Zeitung nr 33, 10 feb, “Schmuck, der schon mal Ganssehaut verursacht”./kein Diamant sein” in de about
Parool, 9 march, “Cultuurschok door Sieraden”


T.Z. februari, “Schmuck ganz anders”.
Süddeutsche Zeitung nr 33, 10 februari, “Schmuck, der schon mal Ganssehaut verursacht”.
Parool, 9 march 1994,“Cultuurschok door Sieraden”

The Jewellery Quake (Catalogus)- Catalogus “The Jewellery Quake”. Photo’s of my work from this catalogue were shown in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (‘96).

Several galleries in e.g. Amsterdam, Lisboa, Mallorca, Geneve and New York have work in stock. Mail me for addresses.



2008 Grant by Prins Bernhardt Fonds, The Netherlands
2007 Stipend from the Mondriaan Foundation (twice)
2007 Stipend by the Fonds BKVB, the Netherlands
2005 Stipend by the Fonds BKVB, the Netherlands
2004 Grant by de ‘Scholings Fonds voor Kunst en Cultuur, Netherlands
2004 Grant by Prins Bernhard Fonds The Netherlands
2002 Stipend granted Fonds BKVB (Foundation of Fine Arts &
Design, The Netherlands).



"Verweile Augenblick! Du bist so schon!', Vilnius, Lituania, third award.           
Nominated for the jury-price of the design-contest JUMP gallery Friends of Carlotta, Zurich
Nominated for the jury-price of the design-contest Blooming Design Keukenhof



· Museum of Art & Design MAD, New York, USA
· Grassi Museum, Leipzig, Germany
· Pinakothek der Moderne, Dänner collection, München, Germany
· Textile Museum, Tilburg, The Netherlands
· Hiko Mizuno collection, Tokyo, Japan